About Pee-Wee

Many people go through life unaware of how we are connected. There exists, however, some exceptionally rare individuals who assist in creating the very fabric of society. Their purpose is to expand human relationships by consistently weaving the threads that bind us. These are the leaders who serve as guides, encouraging us to expand beyond what we thought possible.

Coach Harrison is one of these gifted connectors, who is able to transcend our differences. He combines his awareness, understanding and vision for human potential to inspire and motivate individuals and groups towards fulfilling their destinies.

It is through team work and collaboration that we will reinvigorate our human organizations to advance forward in the twenty-first century. The growth of the individual will be paramount in this developmental process which needs to include personnel at all levels.

By sharing his hope, courage, and experiences in The Perfect Assist and his energetic speaking engagements, Les Harrison motivates people to action for goal achievement. He inspires and challenges them to strive for greater purpose.

It is the multitudes of seemingly small connections that create the most beautifully efficient designs. A great weaver knows that small things can make a huge difference; the touch of a hand, a smile, a kind word of encouragement, or a properly timed rebuke. And when the tapestry is turned, what once was a cloth of random threads has become a mosaic of excellence far greater than we ever imagined. "Dream an unrealistic dream and ask yourself, why not?"